I am blessed beyond belief that I get to do exactly what I have been called to do: help others live their best life possible.
By sharing my story, my lifestyle views, and my daily yoga practice, I focus every day on teaching others how to be (and not to be) the best version of themselves.
Yoga Credentials
Throughout my experience, I’ve connected with the most amazing people, from yoga students and studio owners, to recovering addicts and people just looking for a little joy in their lives.
My journey to this business of helping others wasn’t an easy one, as I didn’t come from riches, success, or a privileged family. I’ve spent most of my life struggling to survive through an eating disorder, a laundry list of addictions, and the loss of a child. While in and out of recovery, yoga just sort of fell into my lap. As I improved my practice, I decided to look into becoming a yoga instructor—and with a prayer and an Internet search, I found a yoga school tucked away in the Colorado mountains. Off I went for a month-long intensive yoga training, which forever changed the way I viewed yoga, my calling, and myself.
Call me crazy, but that first day in the mountains I discovered my path for in the coming years. I never wrote it down, but it was burned into my memory. Fast-forward 15 years and—through a lot of hard work, sacrifice, prayer, and trust—I am living out that calling.
My mission is to share my story and help others live the best damn life possible. If I can go from a walking corpse, stricken with a deadly eating disorder, to a healthy mom of four, I can only imagine what is in store for you!
My husband Brian and I were high school sweethearts who met when we were 12 years old, though we didn’t begin dating until our junior year of high school. He has been my biggest supporter and a cease-less giver of unconditional love. Brian works with his father, as a third generation carpenter, but his real passion is property development and management. On the side, he is an elected official on the county level in our area. A true renaissance man.
Harper is our oldest son who flew into this world in 59 minutes flat. To this day, he still has that fast-paced quality: ready for anything, super confident, and wanting to do it all. He is also a great listener and a super teachable kid who takes things to heart when you talk to him about love and logic.
Meredith is my little girl who is ultra-independent and has no problem playing on her own. When among others, she is a kind leader and always willing to share. She holds strong to what she wants while being aware of what she needs. My little artist, she loves drawing, painting, and carrying a notebook with her everywhere in case she gets inspired.
Ivan is my youngest and the completion of our amazing family. My husband and I joke he has his own agenda. His personality is very pleasant and always happy. Ivan was my life-shifting baby who brought more clarity to my path and purpose. He is truly a blessing.
My husband and I care for three children, but we have four. Our oldest daughter, Faith, died shortly after birth, a story I am always willing to tell to my audiences. God’s plan for her life was not our plan, but he has used her loss to guide me in living the best life, while pushing others to do the same. She is one of my greatest learning lessons and motivators in this life.
Want to know more about me? Here’s a fun list of my likes and loves!
What I love:
– Going for walks outside, no headphones, with or without my kids in tow
– Hikes with my kids
– Cleaning my chicken coop and caring for my livestock
– Hanging laundry
– Kayaking and camping
– Playing with my kids and discovering new places with them
Many of us spend our lives trying to be someone else. In the last several years I have discovered that the more I simply try to just be me, the more value in me I see. There is value in you, too, and that’s what I want you to get out of my work. No matter your circumstance, life is worth living, and I want to give you your HOPE back.