12 Nuggets of Advice That Have Changed My Life

12 Nuggets of Advice That Have Changed My Life

We all have had those moments that were life-changing, those words of wisdom that just stuck and truly impacted us, and over the last several years or so I have had many, and I just want to share them with you. These words of advice, thoughts, and ideas have come in all forms and from all kinds, some from others, some from my own insights, but each of these have had a significant impact on me, not because of the power of the words but because of what I was able to do afterward. These are 12 nuggets of advice that have changed my life.

This is just one moment among many moments in your life right now.

I would get so caught up in the mistakes, things I did or didn’t do or the feelings I was having. Time never stops and all things pass, no matter where you are right now it will soon be over.

When something stinks, step back and make sure it’s not you who smells.

We all want to blame others for what we did or didn’t do ourselves; it takes a far bigger person to admit when they are wrong than it does to point the finger.

Kill em’ with kindness.

When in doubt, you can’t argue with kindness.

You have everything you need right now.

I used to hate this saying, but wherever you are right now you are fully equipped to tackle it, just check to make sure you are using all that is available to you.

You can’t change everyone else you can only change yourself.

If you want others to change, be the example first.

Always be willing to have the hard conversations.

Any time I have ever had to have a difficult conversation, and actually had the courage to have it without getting in the way, the outcome has always been for the better.

Never be afraid to be honest, you can’t control how others receive your truth.

We typically fear the truth because we worry about what will happen after, but cleaning up a lie is way more work, because you don’t have to clean up the truth.

One thing at a time.

We want it and want it now, except we first need to enjoy what we have right now.

Life gives you exactly what you need.

Because where you are is exactly where you need to be in order to get where you are going.

Never be afraid to be who you are, as long as you do it in an honest way.

It’s one thing to be you and do it with a thorn in your side, it’s another to do it in a way that encourages others.

Don’t take shit from anyone.

Those that give you shit probably don’t want to deal with their own, press on my friend.

You can change anything at any time, just be ready to deal with the consequences.

We can change anything and not all consequences are bad, many can and are good, but you won’t know any of that until you get up and do something.


As each year passes, I think to myself, how can I be better than I was before? Trying to live in my truth and live the life I want to rather than the life I think others need me to live.

The older I get and the more I experience life and speak my truth, the more I realize that I don’t have any time to waste living in a way that no longer serves me, and sometimes that means radical change, sometimes that means I can finally speak up in a way I never did before, sometimes that simply means that I live and act without fear.

I have watched far too many people, some very dear to my heart, live their lives in fear, and because of that they never went after what they desired or what they felt that life was asking them to. I have watched many make excuses as to why they made and are currently making the choices they are; but in the end, sadly, I dismay that they will not get where they are going because they simply won’t allow themselves the right to live boldly, in their own truth, because they fear what will happen to those around them and to themselves as they step into their own light.

I refuse to live that way and although I don’t know exactly where life will take me, I know where I am right now and have cultivated enough wisdom and honesty to step back and fully take advantage of the situations in front of me because although I do believe that life gives you exactly what you need, it’s your choice what you decide to do with it.

With that, I welcome the new year and hope that 2021 provides us with new hope and that we live our best lives and stay true to our true selves.

Deeply, Namaste.

Goal Setting in 2020 – Starts Now

Goal Setting in 2020 – Starts Now

2020 is here! And that meals setting your goal(s) starts now!

Let’s do the party dance! 
Yes, sure, you are right… It’s just another day. 
But it doesn’t have to be. You can make 2020 be great! 


Do you set goals? 
Do you set goals and are you someone who disciplines oneself to reach them?

Here’s what I discovered after years of feeling like I failed when it came to promises to change my life…

5 Things I Was Doing That Sabotaged My Success:

1. I was trying to change too many things at the same time. 
2. I forgot that I needed to ASK safe people for support
3. I only saw the big goals, I didn’t know how to set or see the small ones. 
4. I’d mess up once and think “failure”.
5. I was afraid to be doing something others around me weren’t. 

This is only a small list. But my thinking was so black and white.

So unrealistic, and unwilling to start small that I just keep stumbling. I had this idea that if I couldn’t “do it” and it be right from the beginning then somehow I was sucking. 

I believe we do this and more as a way to protect ourselves from failure. Because who wants to feel the pain of failure. But what I have come to discover is, the pain of not trying is worse. 

Have you ever been there? Are you there? 

I’ve got news for you…you don’t need to be perfect, but you do need to be honest. And as underwhelming as this might be… starting small goals is a sure fire win to build a new habit, avenue and a finish line that you can feel proud and amazing with! 

So this year- 2020, I’m older, smarter, stronger, and wiser (I think)… And want to share with you what I have done for myself when it comes to reaching my goals.  

My 2020 Jump-start New Year’s Goal Plan: 

1. Revisited my TOP 10 GOALS I had set for myself. 
2. Looked at each and revisited my mini goals that create the road map to get to those goals…. (this is critical). 
3. Asked myself what I NEED to make these happen: scheduled time to workout, yoga, walk.
GET TO BED BY 10PM, Drink 1/2 my body weight in ounces of water EVERY SINGLE DAY! Finally, not scheduling clients in during my family time. 

I know these might seem simple, not that fancy. Or even obvious. But the thing is… For YEARS I never wrote down my goals. 

So I want you to know something today. If you don’t write it down… It’s not going to happen. If you don’t take the time to make a plan, don’t expect your life to have time to experience it. 

Notice what you resist. 
Notice what you tell yourself is dumb, or small. 
Notice what you avoid. 

These are probably, most-likely the VERY things you need to start doing RIGHT NOW!

It’s such a mind game it’s crazy! Don’t wait. 
Stop with the excuses and get to it. 

You don’t need yoga 7 days a week, if you can’t even get to the mat for one. 
You don’t need to stop eating every bad food for you on the planet, if you can’t even get yourself to eat one good food. 
You don’t need a new life, maybe all you need first is a new perspective on your life. 

I believe you can do this. 
I believe that 2020 can be a great year for you. 
I believe that anything truly is possible, but first you have to start telling yourself it is, and showing yourself with steps you can easily get to for a good WIN!

I believe in you… do you believe in you?

Do you have a goal in mind?

Do you want something?

Well what are you waiting for?

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