
Take a minute to think about what your answer is to this simple question: Do you want to thrive or survive?

Early in life, we quickly learned how to survive. When I say survive, I mean that we were all shown the skills we need to get by and make it in the world. However, is living each day simply surviving enough? Or do you want more from your life?

I wasn’t happy with just surviving. There was more to life for me. I wanted to live a healthy, happy, vibrant life where I could soak in all of the energy from our amazing Earth and grow from it. Simply put. I choose to thrive.

Survive or Thrive?

The difference between surviving or thriving mindsets is pretty simple. Surviving is doing what is necessary to live. Thriving is not being satisfied with surviving. To thrive is a choice. It’s an attitude. 

However, more often than not, I find that most people are barely getting by–physically, mentally, and emotionally. Each day, most people are just surviving and going through the motions. They are just getting by.

What Would You Do?

But let me ask you this–If a building was burning and you were locked inside, what would you do? Would you sit back and say, “Well I have no other option other than to die in here” OR would you say, “I’m not going to die today; the only way I’m going to die is trying to get out of this burning building?”

While it was a dramatic example, my point is that when faced with a crisis, we can do anything. Living in survival mode prohibits us from living a life of meaning and contribution. Merely choosing to survive in life is a crisis. 

If you feel you have been surviving and just going through the motions, let today be the turning point in your life where you turn it all around.

Here are three ways to help you thrive instead of just surviving.

1. Find Your Purpose

II know how easy it can be at times to let life take over every move you make. If you aren’t intentional about staying purpose-driven, it’s an easy habit to let slip away. Staying purpose-driven can mean many things. Maybe you already know your purpose which is great.

However, maybe you don’t know what your purpose in life is yet and that’s fine, too. Everyone discovers what their purpose is at different stages in life. I firmly believe that we all created to do great and beautiful things in the world.

2. Clear Your Mind

Most of the time, people who settle for a life of survival let the tough times of life tear them down. I know firsthand that life can be hard. However, to thrive in life, you need to take time to reset and refocus your life. When your mind is in overdrive, sometimes you need to hit the reset button. My 3-Week Clearing Mental Clutter Mini-Course shows you how to banish your mental roadblocks by recognizing what they are and how to do something about them. Weekly affirmations help to keep you on track, short mindful movement sequences to help you step into your body fully, and a private accountability group helps to support you in clearing the mental clutter and creating great clarity. 

3. Surround Yourself with Likeminded People

You have probably heard a million times—“Birds of a feather flock together.” Well, it’s true. If you surround yourself with people who are not motivated and searching for ways to better themselves, that’s the type of mindset and life you will adopt. When you hang around with people who focus on growing, getting better, and maximizing their potential, you will also embrace this mindset. If you want to make sure that you don’t fall into survival mode, hang around like-minded people.

My FREE online Facebook community, Daily Dose of Hope, is dedicated to helping others purposefully excel through the messiness of real-life, both on and off the mat. This group is about reclaiming the health and well-being of all its members, inspiring each member to see they are worth it, and assisting in the cultivation of each person becoming the best version of themselves!

The Choice is Yours

It’s easy to let everyday demands in life take over and dictate how your day goes, but each one of us has a choice on how to respond. Just remember: You have a purpose. You were put on this earth to thrive, not just survive.

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